The Growing Felines

Four furballs turned a month old today August 6, 2020.

Come follow me.

And they keep growing every day. They started to develop teeth, stronger limbs, sharper claws, and plenty of curiosity (cats are cats).

And I honestly can’t get enough of them (I mean, can you?). So let me introduce these adorable furballs to you once more.

Vuitton – female, 1st born

Vuitton was delivered tail first – a breech delivery. And it took more or less than 20 minutes for Ti Ger to push her out successfully. She is the only multi-colored among the siblings and the only rose among the thorns.

Louis – male, 2nd

Louis, the second born, is the first one to eat solid food. When he was born, his tail was completely folded in half, like a hook. I even attempted to mold it straight, but realized it was never a good idea. Days and weeks had passed and it started to straighten up, but the crook is still visible in the middle part. It’s quite therapeutic touching it by the way.

Chrome – male, 3rd

Chrome is the third and the most normal of them all. He was delivered head first, and I didn’t notice anything peculiar in his body. That is quite a relief. And he’s the one who got most of Ti Ger’s color.

Android – male, 4th

Android is the last, but of course, definitely not the least. When he was born, I thought everything was normal like Chrome. Hours after the delivery, I noticed his right hind leg is a bit extended to the back. And when he started to crawl, he was in the course of dragging it. I even thought he might need support all throughout. Fortunately at the present, as he keeps his balance, he also learns to bend it forward. It looks pretty normal now, considering how it was before, except for its paw’s more prominent size than the rest. And interestingly, being the last one to come out, he was the first to open his eyes.


There! They grow really fast, and is catching up Ti Ger’s size. Or they might even be bigger than their mama. And they still breastfeed and gather around Ti Ger all biggies and tower over her.

And yes. They are my growing felines.

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